May 27, 2010

Jilliard Park @ Santa Rosa CA

Este es el hermoso y popular Jilliard Park en Santa Rosa CA. esta foto la tome en otono, iva caminando, volteo hacia atraz y digo wow que colores y en esos dias siempre cargaba my camara so la tome y wow'.

This is the popular Jilliard Park @ Santa Rosa ca, I took this photo during fall, one day I was just walking playing with my son, when I turned around and I was like 'wow'. I had my camera with me that day so I composed the photo really quickly and bumped the colors with photoshop and people really like this one. Para ver mas fotos ve mi website, to see more photos, check out my website

Estas son fotos que he tomado en Jilliard Park, casi todas las fotos las tome en dias de lluvia cuando no habia gente alrededor. Esta foto es de Brianna, habia gente ese dia y ella usaba un vestido rosa y se sento bajo de un arbol que tenia flores rosas. La gente paraba y miraba la linda modelo bajo sentada en flores rosas. Tuve suerte no planie tal background pero asi sucedio.

This photos here are of my model Brianna. It was a warm nice day that day, she was wearing a pink dress and I saw a tree that had pink flowers so I told her to pose and sit under the tree. People were looking at the beautiful girl seated under a tree with pink flowers. I didn't plan it such a background, it just happened, like most of my photography is never planed, I just do what it feels right at the moment.

Este dia era lluvioso y frio. La modelo tenia muchisimo frio y tembaba pero se aguanto. Ella usaba una sombrilla con letras orientales y ese arbol parecia Japones tampoco eso planie, solo paso como la mayoria de mis fotos, nunca las planeo.

This was a really wet and cold day, my poor model was so cold and wet but she kept on posing. She sat right by the water wearing a red skirt I told her to sumerge her foot under the water, she didn't like the idea but she did it . She was posing with an oriental umbrella and the tree in the background looks like a Japonese tree, again i didn't plan it, the tree was just there ready for us.

Me gusta mucho Jilliard Park. Es un parque muy popular entre fotografos profesionales, en verano siempre hay fotografos tomando fotos a estudiantes de high school, bodas y proms. He estado en el parque jugando con mi hijo cuando es tiempo de Prom y me encanta ver a las chicas vestidas tan formales tomando sus fotos. Es mi parque favorito, me gusta mas que Spring Lake. Sin embargo lo evito en verano, pero como llueve tanto en esta area que siempre voy ai cuando llueve con mis modelos y no ay nadie en el parque. El parque es solo para la modelo y fotografa. A veces no puedo creer que tan popular parque este tan solito en los dias de lluvia, es como si yo lo hubiera rentado, todo para mi! A veces llueve tanto y mi lente se moja, nos escondemos bajo el puente con la modelo a tomar unas fotos, y como siempre tengo sombrillas, me cubro con la sombrilla para no mojar mi camara y lente. Enseguida comparto unas fotos que he tomado en dias de lluvia con mis modelos.

I love Jilliard Park, is such a popular park among pro photographers, it is always so busy during summer. I always see photographers photographing seniors, weddings and proms. I usually take a walk to Jilliard park to take my son to play by the water, and I always see pro photographers, specially during prom time. I love to see the girls wearing such formal gowns taking their pictures, they look so cute. I try to avoid going there with my clients or models during the summer because I know there is going to be other photographers, but since it rains a lot in this area, I take my models there all the time. When is raining, this beautiful park is all by myself, I feel like I rented this place just for us, me and the model. Some times my lens and camera get a lil wet. I always use an umbrella as prop so I cover myself with the umbrella while the model pose for me and get wet. Some times we hide under the bridge, me and the model/s laughing and talking about certain dress she is wearing. We talk about how silly and fun it is to be working under the rain. I am going to share my work under the rain @ Jilliard Park.

La primer foto es de Jessica cuando destruyo el vestido, el parque estaba todo sucio con lodo, ella tenia mucho frio pero hizo un trabajo fabuloso, me gusto mucho trabajar con ella siempre reia (bueno todas las modelos rien cuando destruyen vestido) pero ella nunca se quejo para nada de el lodo y el agua que ensucio su pelo y todo.

The first photo is from Jessica's Trash the dress. That day the park was so wet and we found a good location for her to sit and get dirty. I loved working with Jessica, she kept on laughing and she never complained about all the dirt all over her.

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